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So you think you can lead a team? - The Video! (Haven)

In February 2025 I gave a 15 minute version of my "So you think you can lead a team?" talk to my colleagues on park in Devon. You can watch it here: So you think you can lead a Team? Software engineering is hard. Leading a team, as an engineer, can be even harder. Many of us are better at developing software than we are with people and feel our value lies in actually writing code. When you step into team leading, there are more people than code and your value increases. Over the last 25 years I’ve been unexpectedly dropped into team leading a number of times, but three and a half years ago I chose to do it. It took at least twelve months for me to realise I was only starting to understand what leading a software team is and what it means. Join me for some of the highs and lows of team leading and an insight into some of the things I learnt to help me be a better team lead. I can’t promise a panacea as I  still have much to learn, but I hope to help you avoid some of the mista...
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My First DataDog Summit (London 2025)

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So you think you can lead a team?: The Reading List

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Use async and await judiciously

Async functions are a powerful feature in JavaScript and TypeScript, offering a cleaner, more readable alternative to working directly with Promises. However, it’s easy to overuse them or add unnecessary layers of complexity.  By understanding when and how to use async and await effectively, you can write more concise, efficient, and maintainable code. Let’s explore a common scenario where async and await may be overapplied, and how simplifying the function structure can improve code readability and maintainability without sacrificing intent. Take a look at this function which wraps an async function which deletes an entity form a database: const deleteEntity = async (id: number) => {     return await db.entity.delete({ id }); } You would also await deleteEntity when calling it, resulting in two promises, unnecessarily verbose code and less efficient execution.. Instead of awaiting the promise created in deleteEntity , it can just be returned: const deleteEntity ...

axios-http-builder: An Axios instance builder

axios-http-builder is a n Axios i nstance builder for use on client or server side with common features pre-configured: - Timeout - Cancellation By default, Axios does not configure a timeout or a cancellation timeout. However, axios-http-builder sets both to 2 seconds by default, which remains configurable. axios-http-builder also includes an optional exception handler. Install npm i -save axios-http-builder   Usage To use the default configuration, instantiate the Axios instance with buildHttpClient and then use as normal: import { buildHttpClient } from 'axios-http-builder'; const httpClient = buildHttpClient(); await httpClient.get('https://myservice/entity'); buildHttpClient takes a CreateAxiosDefaults object, so you can use any of Axios' options as normal: import { buildHttpClient } from 'axios-http-builder'; const httpClient = buildHttpClient({ baseURL: 'https://myservice' }); await httpClient.get('/entity'); The axios-http-buil...

Hierarchical Error - Reducing log messages and maintaining context

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Comments in Code: Just Don't Do It

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